
Did you know?
Did you know that half of the world's animals live in the rainforest? Also a great number of earth's insects live in tropical forests. Out of all of these creatures a lot of them are endangered.

With each year that passes hundreds of thousands of acres in the rainforest are destroyed, more habitats cut away which results in the extinction of poor defenceless animals.

Rainforests occupy only 6% of the Earth's surface yet still contain more than half of the world plants and animals.

Antartica is the only continent on earth that does not contain rainforests.

A four square mile patch in the rainforests contain as many as 1.500 flowering plants,750 different types of trees,400 different types of birds and 150 different types of butterflies.

When there are rain falls in the rainforests it can take the rain up to ten minutes to hit the ground because of the tropical trees canopy.

An area of rainforest the size of a football field is being destroyed each second.