

Humans have affected the rainforests an extreme amount. Humans are the cause of deforestation which includes cutting down trees for the purpose of logging,growing crops,urban settlement or raising farm animals such as cattle. As the population of the world continues to grow the population of deforestation also continues to grow along with it. No good can come of this!

We are losing many animals due to deforestation along with with plants aswell. Potential plants that may be discovered that could help cure a number of diseases may never be discovered because of deforestation. Also many animals are endangered due to this. Cultures of indigenous people are at risk of losing their way of life.

There are a number of organizations working to help keep the rainforests safe. Some of these organizations include Rainforest Alliance, The Nature Conservancy and Rainforest Action Network. These organizations help provide protection for rainforests and help conserve one of the world's most valuable ecosystems.
